MIL-PRF-3043C Oil bake test. Coated test panels air dried for 16 to 24 hours shall be immersed to a depth of
approximately 2/3 of their length in hot lubricating oil conforming to MIL-PRF-7808 at 350oF ±10oF for
15 minutes. The panels shall then be removed, rinsed clean, and the finish examined for film irregularities.
Darkening of the finish or difference of color in the immersed and unimmersed portion shall not be cause
for rejection (see Oven bake test. The test panels, coated by spraying and air dried for not less than 1 hour shall be
placed in an oven and baked for 30 ±5 minutes at 325oF ±5oF (see
4.9 Flexibility requirements.
4.9.1 Bending flexibility test. Condition the dry coated test panels at 73oF ±2oF and a relative humidity of
50 ±4 percent for at least 30 minutes. While at this temperature, the test panels shall be placed with the
coated side uppermost on a 4 inch diameter mandrel at a point equally distant from the top and bottom
edges of the panels, and bend the panels double in approximately 1 second. The film shall be examined
under a magnification of 7 diameters, using diffused light having a color temperature of 6,500oK and an
intensity of about 165 foot-candles. (For those not equipped with a standard illuminant, viewing the test
coating at a north window illuminated by a fairly light overcast sky will approximate these conditions.)
Cracks occurring at either end and extending no more than 0.250 inch shall be disregarded (see 3.9.1).
4.9.2 Abrasive flexibility. The coating on a test panel shall be subjected to a sandblast provided by any
suitable means. The sandblast shall be at a minimum of 40 psig and shall be such that it abrades the
coating (see 3.9.2).
4.10 Environmental requirement tests.
4.10.1 Humidity resistance test. The test panels shall be exposed in a humidity cabinet in accordance with
ASTM D 1748. One face of the oven baked test panels and one face of the oil baked test panels shall be
cross scratched (i.e. "X" scratched) with a sharp instrument so that the underlying metal is exposed at least
2 inches along the scratch and suspended in the humidity cabinet in an atmosphere of 100 percent relative
humidity at 120oF ±2oF for 240 hours. Upon removal, the panels shall be wiped dry with lintless cloths
and examined for corrosion and failure of the film (see 3.10.1).
4.10.2 High humidity (cold cycle) test. The test panel shall be exposed in a humidity cabinet in
accordance with ASTM D 1748. The test panels cross scratched (i.e., "X" scratched) on one face with a
sharp instrument shall be subjected to a cycle of 8 hours in an atmosphere of 100 percent relative humidity
at 120oF ±2oF followed by 16 hours at -65oF for 168 hours. The test cycle may be interrupted to conform
to work periods; however, this break should occur only after the cold period. Upon completion of this test,
the panels shall be examined (see 3.10.2).
4.10.3 Salt spray resistance test. The test shall be performed in accordance with ASTM D 117. The test
panels shall be inclined 15o from the vertical cross hatched (i.e., "X" scratched) on one face with a sharp
instrument so that the underlying metal is exposed at least 2 inches along the scratch and shall be subjected
to a 5 percent salt spray test for 240 hours (see 3.10.3).
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