concentrations covered by the standards, other standards of different concentrations can be
(1) Obtain the absorbance of the sample and standard solutions as follows:
(1) Convert absorption to absorbance
(2) Subtract any absorbance due to the blank from each of the standards and sample
solution absorbances.
(m) On linear graph paper, plot absorbance versus concentration (ppm) for the lead standards.
From the resulting curve, determine the concentration f lead in the sample solution. Similarly,
plot absorbance versus concentration for the manganese standards and determine the
concentration of manganese.
(n) Calculate the percent lead and percent manganese using the following formulas:
Percent Lead =
A × 5.0
1000 x W
Where: A = Lead content of the sample solution in parts per million
W = Weight of the sample in grams
Percent Manganese =
B x5.0
1000 x W
Where: B = Manganese content of the sample solution in parts per million
W= Weight of the sample in grams
4.4.11 Softening point. The softening point shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D36, except
that a shouldered ring shall be employed. The shouldered ring shall be heated to at least 177 ºC (350 ºF)
before the molten compound is poured.
4.4.12 Penetration. The penetration values shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D-5.
4.4.13 Viscosity. Apparatus.
Brookfield Viscometer - Model No. LVF, Spindle No. 2, Speed - 12 rpm.
Sample container - Stainless steel beaker - 10 cm diameter by 11 cm high, straight sides, no
pouring lip.
Bath - Silicone oil bath - 11 inch diameter by 10 inches high. Procedure. The sample (800 ± 50 ml) shall be contained in the stainless steel sample beaker and
heated with occasional stirring in an oil bath (approximately 2 hours) until the temperature of the sample
shall be stabilized at 149 ± 0.6 ºC (300 ± l ºF). A bath temperature of approximately 155 ºC (311ºF) is
needed to maintain this sample temperature. The spindle shall be lowered into the sample until the
immersion mark on the spindle shaft is at the surface of the liquid. The spindle shall be allowed 15
minutes to reach equilibrium temperature and then the drive motor shall be activated. Readings shall be
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